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Disable JavaScript with uBlock Origin to bypass paywall


Find out how to disable JavaScript with uBlock Origin to bypass paywall, so you can read articles free without subscription.

This method works for certain websites only.

But you can lose access to media such as images, videos, and graphics on websites that use JavaScript.

In other words, you can view the text only.

REMINDER: Remember to enable back JavaScript, or you cannot access certain websites.

This is one of the two ways to block paywalls with uBlock Origin extension.

I have already explained the other method in this post, "Bypass The New York Times with uBlock Origin". 

In fact, I have already showed how to disable JavaScript for both Firefox and Chrome browsers in many of the bypass paywall posts.

This time around I am using the popular extension uBlock Origin to turn off browser JavaScript.

These are the two key steps:

STEP 1: Install uBlock Origin

For Firefox browser, go to this site, and click the "Add to Firefox" button .

For Chrome browser, go to this site, and click the "Add to Chrome" button.

Follow the instructions and install uBlock Origin to your browser.

Make sure it is pinned to the toolbar, where you can this icon.

uBlock Origin To Disable JavaScript

STEP 2: Disable JavaScript settings

There are two ways to turn off JavaScript in uBlock Origin.

i. Disable the uBlock Origin JavaScript at settings

To do this method, click the three small cog wheels.

How To Disable JavaScript UBlock Origin

At the dashboard, click "Settings" tab.

Scroll down until Default Behavior. and click the small box in front of "Disable JavaScript".

Disable JavaScript UBlock Origin

Now you have turned off uBlock Origin JavaScript function.

NOTE: The first method of turning off the JavaScript does not work with some paywalls.

You should use this second method instead.

ii. Disable JavaScript at specific website

This is what you do:

For instance at The Washington Post paywalled article.

Click uBlock Origin icon at the toolbar, and a context box pops up.

Click this disable JavaScript icon </>.

Disable JavaScript with uBlock Origin to bypass paywall

NOTE: If you do not see this JavaScript icon </>, click the word "More".

Now there is a red color X over the </> icon and a reload icon.

Bypass Paywall With uBlock Origin Extension

Click the reload uBlock Origin icon or the Washington Post blocked article itself.

This time it should appear in full without the paywall banner.

In other words, you have bypass Washington Post paywall.

So, this is how to disable or turn off JavaScript with uBlock Origin to bypass paywall.


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