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Install Bypass Paywalls Clean extension for Chrome tutorial


Last Updated: February 2025

This is a step-by-step tutorial how to install Bypass Paywalls Clean Extension for Chrome.

I found this tip from the popular developer Platform GitHub.

Like all my other tutorials and hacks published in Digiztal, they are written from my personal experience.

I tested it out and it works perfectly.

With this bypass paywalls extension for Chrome, you can read free articles from many leading publisher websites.

In short, you can bypass their paywalls.

Welcome to another helpful article from the DiGiztal Bypass Paywalls Tips series.

Install Bypass Paywalls Clean extension for Chrome

This is how to download and install the Bypass Paywalls Clean extension by Magnolia for Chrome.

NOTE: Before you can install this bypass paywalls extension for Google Chrome, you must have the WinRAR tool.

If you still do not have it, download and install the latest free WinRAR from here.

Now, let's begin.

First download this ZIP file from Github. (Bypass-paywalls clean GitFlic)

You would see this ZIP file where you have saved it. (bypass-paywalls-chrome-clean-master)

Bypass Paywalls Clean Extension

Double click it, and this box pops up, together with the "Please purchase WinRAR license" box.

How To Install Bypass Extension With WinRAR

Close the "Please purchase WinRAR license" box.

Next, click "Extract To", and this box pops up.

How To Install Bypass Paywalls Extension On Desktop

You can save this temporary extracted file wherever you want. 

Just save it on the Desktop.

Click the Desktop icon, then click the OK button below.

Installing Bypass Paywalls Extension Tutorial

Close the WinRAR box.

You should see the extracted folder on the Desktop, that looks like this:

Bypass Paywalls Clean Extension Installation

Next at Chrome browser, click the extension icon (puzzle piece symbol) at the top right hand corner of the screen.

A box pops up, click the gear icon (Manage extensions).

Bypass Paywalls web browser extension

It opens the Extensions page.

At the top right hand corner, you can see the Developer mode toggle slider.

Make sure it is enabled (blue color).

Chrome Extensions Toggle Slider

Now, go the top left hand corner, and click the "Load unpacked" button.

Chrome Extensions Load Unpacked

A box pops up, look for your extracted file, which you have just saved it on the Desktop.

Click it, and then click "Select Folder" button.

This box will pop up, just close it.

Bypass Paywalls Extension GitHub Guide

Now you have successfully installed the Bypass Paywalls Clean extension to your Chrome browser.

You can see the newly installed extension icon in the Extensions page.

Open Chrome, and click the Extension icon (puzzle piece symbol) at the top right hand corner.

A box appears, click the drawing pin icon, and it turns to blue in color.

How To Install Bypass Paywalls Clean Extension

At the same time, you can see the Bypass Paywalls Clean icon (newspaper symbol).

Bypass Paywalls Extension Icon

Once you go to The Atlantic website, or TLS website, a blue box with the word "ON" appears on top of the icon.

Chrome Bypass Paywalls Extension Read Articles Free

It means now you can use this Bypass Paywalls Clean extension to read all the articles for free.

This is how to install Bypass Paywalls Clean extension for chrome tutorial github.


How to install Bypass Paywalls Clean extension for Firefox tutorial