Here is how to find free Kindle books in Amazon by category.
There are tons of free Kindle books which are freely and readily available for your reading pleasure.
Just get all of them for free and I bet you don't free time to read them all!
If you know precisely where to get these free Kindle e-books, it saves you time and effort groping around the Internet.
Stop wasting any of your time, let's find out how to find the specific free Kindle book you want from Amazon by category.
Find free Kindle books in Amazon by category
First you click on this link.
You will see that it is titled as "Best Sellers in Kindle Store" and "Top 100 Free".
To look for free Kindle books from each individual category, first click on "Kindle eBooks", on the left side of the page.
It will open a new page and you can see the complete list of different categories on the left side of the page.
It ranges from "Arts & Photography" to "Travel".
When you click on each of these categories, it will show you a list of more sub-categories.
For instance, if you click on "Arts & Photography", it will show you a list as shown on the image below:
If you click on "Dance", it will open another new page and shows more categories, as shown below:
Take your time to zero into the kind of books which you are looking for.
With this simple method you can find good free Kindle e-books on Amazon easier and faster.
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