Find out how to enable back uBlock Origin at Chrome web Store with Chrome DevTools.
Currently uBlock Origin extension for Chrome has been deactivated, and you cannot install it.
But with just a few clicks, you can get it up working again.
In short, you can install uBlock Origin back to your Chrome browser.
Enable back uBlock Origin at Chrome Web Store 2025
This is what you do:
Go to the Chrome Web Store with uBlock Origin extension.
First right-click on the gray color "Add to Chrome" button.
A menu pops up, scroll all the way down to click "Inspect".
Now look for this line:
<div class="VfPpkd-dgl2Hf-ppHlrf-sM5MNb" data-is-touch-wrapper="true">
Right-click on this line of code.
A menu appears, and click on "Edit as HTML".
Now this particular line is boxed up.
Drag the bottom scrollbar, until you see this: disable=""
Change the word disable to enabled.
Close the Inspect Element page.
Now the gray color "Add to Chrome" button should change to blue color.
In other words, you can now click on it to install the extension.
That's is how to use Chrome DevTools to enable back the uBlock Origin extension for Chrome.
I hope it works for you.
NOTE: Chrome would automatically turn off uBlock Origin extension, so you need to toggle it back to get it working again.
It is because Chrome does not support this extension any longer. Chrome recommends that you remove it.