August 30, 2024

Textual description of firstImageUrl

How to unblur Scribd Preview documents easy workable method


Find out how to unblur Scribd Preview documents without an account, or having to upload document in exchange to download.

You don't need to sign up for the 30-day free trial.

You just need this simple free method how to unlock Scribd Preview documents, so you can view them for free.

In addition, this tip could also unblur those ad-locked documents.

Those content which you have to wait for the ads to completely download. 

In short, no more blurred-out Scribd documents.

You do not have to install TemperMonkey and user scripts, or pasting Unblur Scribd code in the DevTools.

If I am not wrong, the Unblur Scribd code does not function any more.

Forget about this complicated 10-year old read any 'preview' document on for free in Reddit

Recently there was this Chrome extension called ScUnblur (Scribd Unblur) that reveal blurred text and also remove ads.

Unfortunately Chrome Web Store has removed it.

But anyway, here is a simple and easy solution to unblur Scribd Preview documents.

No installation of any browser extension is required.

You get your clear clutter-free and ad-free documents.

How To Unblur Scribd Preview Documents

How to unblur Scribd Preview documents

This is what you do:

First copy the link below, and paste it onto your browser.

NOTE: I highlighted the row of letters X in yellow, because it need to be replaced with the actual digits from the Scribd document URL later.

Open a new tab, go to your Scribd Preview document, or the blurred ad-locked article.

Read Unblurred Scribd Documents For free

For example your document is, "A Modern Man Living Guide To Seduction".

Its URL is:

NOTE: I highlighted the digits in yellow for a clearer understanding.

Copy out this set of digits, and replace them onto the xxxxxxxx in the link. 

Now the link should look like this:

Click on it and see it for yourself. 

Here is another example of Scribd document locked by ads.

Each time you have wait for the ad to finished download, then only you can unblur the text to view.

Unblur Scribd Documents Without Subscription

For instance, this March 1924 Weird Tales magazine, with the feature story, "The Spirit Faker Of Hermannstadt" by Harry Houdini.

Its URL is:

Similarly, copy the set of digits (490524115) and replaced it onto the xxxxxxxx of the link.

So you get this:

Click on the link above, and you can view the full 97-page Weird Tales.

To save it, you can either bookmark it to your browser, or save it in the Pocket.

To read it from the Pocket, click "View Original".

Scribd Documents Saved Pocket

This is how to unblur Scribd Preview documents and save them the easy way.

NOTE: If the document has copright infringement issue, it would not work.

You either see this remark: Document removed due to copyright infringement. Sorry, we can't display this document, or Document deleted by owner. Sorry, we can't display this document.