July 25, 2024

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Bypass paywalls with Pocket to read locked-out articles free


Let me show you how to bypass paywalls with Pocket, so you can access blocked articles.

It does NOT get past every paywall, but it still manages to get past paywalls of many leading publication websites.

Pocket is a social bookmarking service for storing, sharing and discovering web bookmarks.

I have been using the Pocket to read countless locked-out news articles from The Boston Globe, The Atlantic, The New Yorker and others.

The basic idea is you save the paywalled article to the Pocket.

From there you can read the article in full without being blocked by the paywall.

Bypass paywalls with Pocket 

Follow this step-by-step tutorial, then you could access unlimited free articles from many website with paywalls.

The Pocket works with both Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome browsers.

Before you can use the Pocket service, you need to sign up a free account.

You can sign up with the Pocket from here.

Let's get started...

Mozilla Firefox Browser:

For Firefox browser, the Pocket tool is already included into the browser.

You can see the Pocket gray color icon (pocket with the letter V) on the toolbar, which is at the top right hand corner of your laptop screen.

Pocket Firefox

There are three ways to save the New Zealand Premium articles in your Pocket account.

Firstly sign into your Pocket account.

1.Click on Pocket icon

When you are the blocked article, click on the gray color Pocket icon at the toolbar.

A box pops up below the Pocket icon at the toolbar, and the icon changes to red color.

How To Bypass Paywalls With Pocket

Click on "View My Saves" button.

It takes you to "Saves" of your Pocket account.

Here you can see the article title together with its accompanied image.

To read the article, click on either the article title or the image.

Read Locked-out Articles Free With Pocket

After finished reading, to delete the article, click on the dump bin icon above the article.

How To Delete Saved Pocket Articles

Similarly, you can go back to Saves, to click on the three dots below the saved article, then click "Delete".

Read Articles Behind Paywalls With Pocket

2. Save article url to Pocket

The second way is right click on the article title.

A context menu box pops up, click on the "Save Link to Pocket".

Read Free Articles With Pocket

Just like the first way, a box pops up below the Pocket icon at the toolbar, and the icon changes to red color.

Click on "View My Saves".

Again you can find the saved article listed under "Saves".

3. Paste article url on Pocket site

Just like the above second way, right click on the article title.

A context menu box pops up, this time click on "Copy Link".

How To Save Articles To Pocket

Go to your Pocket account, click on the two interlinked rings with a plus symbol (Save a URL).

Bypass Paywalls With Pocket

Paste the article URL in the space provided.

Then click on "Add" button.

The article is now saved under "Saves".

Again, to read the full article, click on the article title, or the image.

Google Chrome Browser:

For Chrome, you need to install the Pocket extension to your Chrome browser.

Click here to install the Pocket extension.

Next pin the Pocket extension onto the Chrome toolbar.

To do that, click on the Chrome extensions icon (puzzle piece) at the toolbar, which is at the top right hand corner of the computer screen.

Click on the gray color push pin icon next to "Save to Pocket".

Pocket Extension Chrome

The push pin icon will change to blue color and at the same time, red outlined Pocket icon (a pocket with the letter V) appears at the toolbar.

How To Add Pocket To Chrome

Now you have pinned the Pocket extension onto the Chrome toolbar.

Now sign into your Pocket account. 

How to save and read locked articles with Pocket extension

There are two ways to do it with the Pocket Chrome extension.

1. Click on Pocket icon

Go to the article which you want to read.

Click on the red outline color Pocket icon at the toolbar. 

Bypass Paywalls Pocket Extension Chrome

The red outlined Pocket icon turns to full red color, except with the white V outline, and at the same time a box pops up below. 

Inside the box you can see the article title together with its image.

Pocket Chrome Extension Bypass Paywalls

Click on "Saves" at the bottom left hand corner.

It goes to your Pocket account, where you can see the article title together with its image.

Read Free Articles Pocket Extension Chrome
To read the article, click on the title or the image.

2. Right click article title/Save To Pocket

Right click on the article title, a context menu pops up.

Click on "Save To Pocket".

Pocket Chrome Extension Paywalls

A box pops up with the article inside, just like way #1 above.

Get Past Paywalls With Pocket

Click on "Saves" at the bottom left hand corner.

It goes to your Pocket account, where you can see the article title together with its accompanied image.

3. Paste article url on Pocket site

Right click on the article title which you want to read.

A context menu pops up, then click on "Copy link address".

Paywalled Articles  Pocket

Go to your Pocket account, click on the two interlinked rings with a plus symbol (Save a URL).

Bypass Paywalls With Pocket

Paste the article URL in the space provided.

Then click on "Add" button.

The article is now saved under "Saves".

Now you view the full complete article.

This is how to bypass paywalls with Pocket, so you can read paid subscription articles for free.