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How to use Wayback Machine to bypass paywall tutorial


Find out how to use Internet Archive Wayback Machine to bypass paywall, to read articles without subscription.

This way of bypassing the website paywall is similar to the popular arching website, Archive.Today

This method works only for sites that allow web crawlers to index their content.

Wayback Machine saves and stores archived versions of web pages.

How to use Wayback Machine to bypass paywall

Now let's see how to use this tool to read paywalled articles for free. 

This is what you do:

First check whether that particular article has been archived.

Go to Internet Archive Wayback Machine site.

Paste the blocked article URL into the box provided, and then press the "Enter" key.

Wayback Machine Bypass Paywall

If the article has been archived it, you click the snapshot link and the full article appears. 

Internet Archive Wayback Machine Bypass Paywall

If it has not been archived, it would prompt you that it has not archived that URL.

Now you click "Save this URL in the Wayback Machine".

Internet Archive Wayback Machine Bypass Paywall

It goes to the Save Page Now page, click SAVE PAGE" button.

Remove Paywall with Wayback Machine

After it finished archiving, it tells you the snapshot of the page has captured.

Click the link to read the full article without paywall.

By the way, you can use this Wayback Machine method to access this 2023 premium article, "Understanding Paywall Bypass and Protecting Your Content" by Kathleen Greenler Sexton.

Bypass Paywall with Wayback Machine

Here is the link:

NOTE: After you've clicked the link above, when you can see the article is loading, quickly press and hold on the "Esc" key for about 8 seconds. 

If not, the article would disappear, and it would show you the subscription details.

This is how to use the Internet Archive Wayback Machine to get through paywalled articles.