March 3, 2021

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Non-Techies Computer And Internet Tips


DiGiztal is the site with non-techies computer and internet tips.

You can find blogging tips and tricks for beginners.

It is one-stop site specially for beginners and newbies; particularly those who are not tech-savvy, just like yours truly.

The aim of this blog is to provide simple, clear advice about computers and the internet in plain simple English.

To ensure beginners and newbies could understand, I even compromise the correct usage of certain terminologies in some tutorials, so that it is easier to understand.

I am sharing with you whatever I have learned each time when I encounter any technical problem.

Like many of you, I just want to blog and make some money online and not to be bothered with all those technical know-how. 

non-techies computer and internet tips

I have both Blogger blogs and self-domain WordPress blogs.

I know a little bit more about blogging, customizing themes and SEO (search engine optimization).

I know there are many useful tips for both Blogger and WordPress out there on the Internet. 

But many a times, I find the advice given are either too complicated or too technical to be understood by a newbie.

It is simply because they are written by experienced and/or professional webmasters and web designers. 

They use technical words like: "SQL", "root directory", "Ajax", "DNS", "FTP", "Mouseover", .htaccess and whatnot.

But at DiGiztal, I offer easy-to-understand guides with as fewer jargon as possible and other relevant advice related to both computer and the Internet.

Plus, where to find free online tools and other valuable content.

I know most of you just want to setup a blog to write and put up some photos; either for fun or to make some money from the Internet.

You are not interested in all those weird sounding technical stuff which happens to get into your way; causing you unnerving problems and endless headache.

Non-Techies Computer And Internet Tips

Some of the tutorials, I just go right into how to get it done in the clearest and the simplest way. 

Easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions.

Here you will find useful and valuable topics such as:

I only provide proven tips that work, recommend reliable resources and useful information that can help you.

For free and latest blog post just subscribe to my RSS Feeds.