April 27, 2017

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How To Install And Connect FileZilla To Web Hosting Server For Beginners

This is easy-to-understand guide on how to install and connect FileZilla To web hosting server.

If you are using WordPress, you will definitely heard about FileZilla FTP Client.

There are many other file protocol transfer client software which include WinSCP, Cyberduck, FlashFXP, CuteFTP, CoreFTP and others.  

FileZilla is one tool widely use when doing WordPress backups.

This popular file transfer protocol (FTP) used by many people for uploading, downloading and transferring files over the Internet.

how to install and connect FileZilla to web hosting server

Particularly to send and receive large portions of data through a private or public network.

FileZilla can transfer files between computers, create directories, remove directories and list files.

This amazing free FTP software can provide you access to files on your website directly.

In other words, you can remove, change, delete or upload modifications to your website/blog via FileZilla.

How to Download And Install FileZilla

1. First you have to download and install it into your computer.

2. To get this software, go to Filezilla-Project.org.

3. Once you are over at the site, click on the first option "Download FileZilla Clent All platforms".

how to install and connect FileZilla to web hosting server for beginners

4. After you have downloaded it, follow the instructions to install.

Connect FileZilla To Web Hosting Server

Most, if not all web host providers should have already created an account for you.

You can find it under "Special FTP Accounts" in "FTP Accounts" page in your cPanel.

If you do not already have an FTP account on your server, then you can create one  in your cPanel.

Note: Here is a tutorial on how to create FTP account in the cPanel.

Here is how you connect FilerZilla to your web host server.

1. Launch or open FileZilla.

2. For "Host:" type in your WordPress domain name.

3. For "Username:" type in your cPanel username.

4. For "Password:", type in your cPanel password.

5. For "Port:" , type in  21.

6. Then click the "Quickconnect" button.

Note: Some of you are going to have problem connecting your FileZilla to your web server.

From what I've gathered from the Internet, different people have different ways to fix this connection problem.

As for me, for "Host", I use my domain name without the "http://".

But if your login information specifies a protocol like SFTP or FTPS, then enter the "Host" as: sftp://domainname or ftps://domainname respectively.

Then there are some who use ftp.domainname.com or their IP addresses.

*Read this if you have problem connecting FileZilla to your web server via "Quickconnect".

Allow Windows Firewall For FileZilla Client Settings

Note: Make sure your Windows Firewall allows FileZilla FTP Client.

You can check this by going to your Windows Firewall.

1. Click on Windows logo ("Start") at the bottom left hand corner.

2. A menu box pops up. Type Firewall into the empty "search programs and files" box.

3. Instantly a box pops up and you can see "Allow a program through Windows Firewall" under "Control Panel".

4. Click on it and it will open a page.

5. Under "Name", scroll and look for "FileZilla FTP Client".

6. Make sure all the boxes are checked (ticked).

7. If you have just ticked the boxes, then you need to click on the "OK" button.

8. That's all.

Note: If you still have connection problem after you have tried all the above suggestions, the best option is contact your web host administrator for assistance.