March 24, 2017

Textual description of firstImageUrl

Zoom Out Thumbnail Images To Full Size Effect You May Like To Use

Update: This add-on is NOT working any more.  Instead use Imagus.

Here is great zoom effect software by Firefox. It is called Thumbnail Zoom Plus.

This free extension automatically zoom out thumbnail pictures or images to their actual full size.

You just hover your mouse cursor over the image or picture, and instantly the full size of that image will pop up.

No need to click on it to get the full size effect.

The example below is taken from Google Images.

Zoom Out Thumbnail Images To Full Size Effect

This tool works perfectly with Picasa, Amazon, Baidu Images, Bing Images, Facebook, Flickr, Google+, Google Images, IMDb, LinkedIn, Netflix, Pinterest, Reddit, Twitter, Twitpic, Yandex, YouTube, Wikipedia, Yahoo Images, PhotoBucket, and many more.

Yes, it works even with Blogger or Blogspot site!

After you have installed Thumbnail Zoom Plus, you can see its icon on the top right hand corner of your browser.

Click on the small inverted triangle, it will drop down a long list of sites with a tick symbol in the box.

It means all these sites work with this tool. If you do not want the zoom out function for any of the site, you just un-tick it, by clicking on the tick symbol.

You can adjust more functions when you click on "Preferences...". Then go to the "General" tab.

Like to try it out? Then pop over to Thumbnail Zoom Plus now.

Note: Thumnail Zoom Plus is NOT compatible with FireFox 57 and beyond.

I suggest you use this FireFox add-on called "Imagus".