Find out how to change the text Select Category of WordPress to other wordings of your choice.
As it is, the drop-down categories widget in WordPress shows the text: "Select Category".
Here is how you do it:
1. Go to WordPress function.php.
2. Then scroll all the way down.
3. Copy the code below and paste it at the bottom of the template.
function ChangeSelectTitle($cat_args){
$cat_args['show_option_none'] = __('WRITE HERE');
return $cat_args;
add_filter('widget_categories_dropdown_args', 'ChangeSelectTitle');
$cat_args['show_option_none'] = __('WRITE HERE');
return $cat_args;
add_filter('widget_categories_dropdown_args', 'ChangeSelectTitle');
4. You need to replace the text WRITE HERE to your preferred wordings.
5. Then click the blue color Update File button below the function.php template.
6. That's all.
The example below is from a quote blog where it is replaced it with the text: "Just Click Here".
Note: Make sure you paste the code correctly in the function.php template.
If there is a closing tag which looks like this ?>, then you have to paste the above set of code BEFORE ?>.
Note: If you screwed up when pasting code onto the function.php, you find that your site cannot be accessed and you cannot log into your site as well.
Don't panic. Here is a guide to overcome this problem.
WordPress Function.php Error: Cannot Log In And Site Disappear