June 3, 2011

Are Meta Tags Outdated And Dead? Yes And No!

I'm sure you have read that meta tags are dead. Many so-called SEO guru tell you that meta tags are outdated.

In fact meta tags are still importance in search engine optimization (SEO)

Or to be exact, especially meta tag description is still important for search engine. 

Many a times, the meta tag description with keywords are shown on the preview snippets of the search ranking result pages (SERP).  

What is a meta tag?
A meta tag is sentences of codes written in Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) about a webpage or blog. 

Meta tag information is not shown on your site, it can view in your Page Source.

There are few types of meta tags. But the two most important for search engine optimization or indexing are:

1. keywords meta tag

2. description meta tag.

The keywords meta tag is where you put in your targeted keywords or keyword phrases. 

The description meta tag is to tell the search engine about the content of your site. 

Just a brief  sentence or two is enough.

But for meta tag keywords, for some time now, I find them not significant anymore. 

But there is no harm putting in all those keywords or keyword phrases which you are trying to rank in the meta tag.

As I have just said the description meta tags are shown on the search result pages. 

So, it is important to write a compelling or a catchy meta tag description together with your keywords to lure people to click on your site. 

Don't just describe  about your site. Grab the readers attention with a punchy copy.

 Meta tag description length
From what I have read somewhere, the best length for Meta description tags is between 150-160 characters. 

Because the search engine limits a certain number of characters. If it is too long, it will be cut off.

Meta descriptions can be any length but search engines generally truncate snippets longer than 160 characters, For this reason it is best to keep meta descriptions between 150-160 characters.

Here is an meta tags description example, which belongs to one of my old blogs. 

The sentence below "malaysian-humor" is a meta tag description which I wrote. 
So, how to add meta tags in Blogspot blogs?  

First you have to write out the meta tags as shown below. I also include the title of  the blog as well.

<title>BLOG TITLE</a>
<meta content=‘YOUR BLOG DESCRIPTION HERE’ name=‘description’ />
<meta content=‘YOUR TARGETED KEYWORDS HERE’ name=‘keywords’ /> 

For the kewords, you need to put a comma after each word or phrase (e.g. make money with blogspot, blogspot tricks, seo tips, )  

To add meta tags in your Blogspot site, first you go to Dashboard.

Select Design and click Edit HTML. No need to tick on Expand Widget Templates.

Search for the following code in the header area (somewhere on the top part of the html code).

    <b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>

Then click SAVE TEMPLATE. That's all.