July 3, 2013

How To Get Direct Traffic By Building Relationship With Searchers

As we know SEO or search engine optimization, there is no relationship between searchers and publishers (us).

The searchers happen to reach your blog posts or site, through the search engines.

We rely heavily on search engines to get traffic to your sites. In a way, we can say, we are at the mercy of these search engines; be it Google, Yahoo or Bing.

Each time when there is a change in Google algorithm, there is a possibility your site could lose massive traffic.

It is because the searchers cannot find your site or blog posts in the search engine result page.

Next we find articles in those popular SEO sites, offering tips on how to overcome, protect or avoid the latest update in the algorithm. 

We always end up in the wild goose chase. Feeling frustrated and lost.

So, how do we get traffic or online visitors to your site without relying mostly on search engines?

You have to build direct traffic. So, how do we do it?

You need to establish an on-going relationship with your visitor. Then you  can transform them into non-search engine visitors.

Here are four suggestions by Peter Da Vanzo from SEOBook.

1. Get Them To Subscript
It is a form of bookmarking. Encourage your visitors to sign up to your Twitter, Facebook, email subscriptions, RSS, or forum subscriptions.

2. Team Up With Other Sites
By sharing exit traffic with like-minded but non-competitive sites.

3. Branding
It is about brand building. Create an unique brand. Then expose your URL and brand everywhere.Both online and offline.

You can read more details from: http://www.seobook.com/ouroboros

4. Widen Distribution Channels
Publish ebooks. Build apps. Publish white papers. Make videos. Think of every medium and channel in which you can replicate your web publishing efforts.