July 10, 2014

Textual description of firstImageUrl

Do Not Install WP Tuner Plugin If You Are Not IT-Savvy

There is this free plugin called WP Tuner which can help you to discover why your blog or plugin is slow or cranky.

It is a great tool, but for most of you who are not IT-savvy, it is better to stay clear of this plugin.

cannot delete wp tuner plugin

If you installed this plugin you will be stuck or hang with a page with the remark:

"Insufficient Requirements. You cannot install because WordPress 3.3.2 requires MySQL version 5.0 or higher. You are running version "

You cannot even access your admin login page. The worst thing is you can not access your website/blog.

This is tutorial on how to get out from this nasty mess:

1. Go to your site directory. It means your host server where your site is stored (BlueHost, HostGator, etc).

2. Then click on wp-config.php and look for this set of code:

//-WP Tuner Plugin by MrPete------------
$wpTunerStart = microtime(); // get start time as early as we can
if ( function_exists( 'getrusage' ) ) { $wpTunerStartCPU = getrusage(); }
@include_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/wp-content/plugins/wptuner/wptunertop.php'); // fire up WPTuner
//-END WP Tuner Plugin------------------

3. Delete this set of code away.

4. Click Save Change button.

5. Then go Plugins page and delete it.