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How to read The New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Financial Times articles for free

Last Updated: July 2024

Do you want to know how to read The New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Financial Times articles for free?

You can still read unlimited articles of The New York Times (NYT), The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) And Financial Times (FT) online without any account.

In other words, you can bypass the paywalls of The New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Financial Times.

Imagine you can access unlimited digital content of these three sites, without being a subscriber.

This is a newly revised post with the latest workable methods to get past their paywalls. 

The original post was published way back in April 2018.

Since then it has been updated a few times.

Back then I used the NYTClean bookmark, Unpaywall extension, Twitter search, and the Chrome incognito mode.

Plus the Greasemonkey together with the userscript to read The NYTimes, WSJ and Financial Times articles for free.

All those methods do not work work anymore for these three established websites.

Read New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Financial Times articles for free

The following methods can bypass the paywalls of The New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Financial Times.

In other words, you can read all the articles and stories from these three websites.

Read The New York Times free   

Do you know you can still get past some of the paywalled articles by pasting the article title in Google search? 

At NYTimes homepage, highlight the article title, right click "Search Google for (article title)".

At the Google search results page, click on that article.

Anyway, the three methods below definitely remove NYTimes paywall. 

  • Bypass Paywalls Clean extension
  • Archive.Today
  • Saved to Pocket

There are still three workable ways to get around The New York Times paywall for both Firefox and Chrome browser.

1. Bypass Paywall Clean extension

Install this browser extension to your Firefox or Chrome, and you can read all the articles and stories in the NYTimes.com website.

Read this tutorial: How to read The New York Times free with Bypass Paywalls Clean extension

2. Archive.Today

Use the free archive site called Archive.Today, which stores snapshots of web pages.

If the article which you want to read which has already archived, it would prompt you that it is available.

You can read right away. 

But if it is not archived, then you have to archive it, before you can read it.

This is what you do:

Go to Archive.Today.

Paste the article URL in the space provided under "My url is alive and I want to archive its content".

Bypass paywall With Archive.Today

Next click the "save" button.

If that article has already archived, you can read it straight away.

But if it is not archived, wait for it to finish archiving, then you can view the complete article.

3. Saved to Pocket

You can also use the free social bookmarking service called Pocket to bypass The New York Times paywall.

You just save the blocked article to your Pocket account.

From there you can read the full unblocked NYTimes article together with all its accompanied images.

This method works for both Firefox and Chrome browser.

 Refer to this tutorial: Bypass Paywalls with Pocket to read locked-out articles free

Read The Wall Street Journal free 

  • Bypass Paywalls Clean extension
  • Archive.Today

I believe there is not a single complimentary article to read from Wall Street Journal website.

But you can still get over WSJ paywall, to read its articles without signing up for a subscription.

Use the first two methods as explained above for The New York Times.

1. Bypass Paywall Clean extension

Install this browser extension and you can read all the articles and stories in the WSJ.com website.

Again this browser extension can work for both browsers: Firefox and Chrome.

For Firefox, refer to this tutorial: How to install Bypass Paywalls Clean for Firefox

For Chrome: refer to this tutorial: How to install Bypass Paywalls Clean for Chrome  

2. Archive.Today

For WSJ site, again this method works for both Firefox and Chrome browser.

Use the free archive site called Archive.Today, which stores snapshots of web pages.

You just need to wait for it to load and to archive the content.

If the article which you want to read which has already archived, it would prompt you that it is available.

You can read right away. If not, then you have to archive the article.

This is what you need to do:

Go to Archive.Today.

Paste the locked article URL in the space provided under "My url is alive and I want to archive its content".

Next click the "save" button.

Then wait....

Once it has finishing archiving, you can view the complete article.

Read Financial Times free

  • Bypass Paywalls Clean extension
  • Archive.Today
  • Google cached pages 

Just like the Wall Street Journal site, there is no free article to read online.

Similarly, you use the two methods above to get around Financial Times paywall.

1. Bypass Paywalls Clean extension

For Firefox, refer to this tutorial: How to install Bypass Paywalls Clean for Firefox

For Chrome: refer to this tutorial: How to install Bypass Paywalls Clean for Chrome 

2. Archive.Today

Again this method works for both Firefox and Chrome browser.

Use the free archive site called Archive.Today to read locked-out articles.

Besides pasting in the article URL in the first box, you can go directly the second black box.

Paste the article URL inside this box, to check whether the saved arched article is available.

Read New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Financial Times sites free

If that particular article is still not archived, it says "No results", together with the list of 5 options to do.

Archive Today Bypass Financial Times Paywall

Click on the first option, "archive this url".

It would begin loading and archiving the article.

Archive.Today Extension Bypass Paywalls

After it has finished archiving it, you can see the complete Financial Time article right there.

So these are the ways you can still read all the articles from The New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Financial Times articles for free.

3. Google cached pages

This easy and simple method could still remove Financial Times paywall.

For example you want to read the article, "‘Minimal’ chance Lynch and other missing yacht passengers alive, coastguard says".

The article URL is:


Prepend or add cache: in front of the URL.

It looks like this:


Press the "Enter" key, and it shows you the Google cached page with the full story unblocked. 

Related Tips:

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