September 12, 2024

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How to bypass Financial Times paywall tips that definitely work


These are tips how to remove Financial Times paywall that many having asking in Reddit, Hacker News and Quora.

Welcome to another original post from the series, DiGiztal Bypass Paywalls Tips.

Forget all those outdated methods:, incognito window,, or disable JavaScript.

They do not get past paywall.

How to read Financial Times articles for free

  • Bypass Paywalls Clean extension
  • Archive.Today
  • Google cache pages
  • JavaScript bookmarklet

Check out these four workable methods to continue reading its latest articles on business and economic current affairs.

1. Bypass Paywalls Clean extension

One way to beat financial Times paywall is using the popular Bypass Paywalls Clean by Magnolia.

Install and pin it to your browser toolbar, and you set to go.

For more details, refer to the tutorials below:

For Firefox, refer to this tutorial: How to install Bypass Paywalls Clean for Firefox

For Chrome: refer to this tutorial: How to install Bypass Paywalls Clean for Chrome 

2. Archive.Today

Again this method works for both Firefox and Chrome browser.

Use the free archive site called Archive.Today to read locked-out articles.

Besides pasting in the article URL in the first box, you can go directly the second black box.

Paste the article URL inside this box, to check whether the saved arched article is available.

How to bypass Financial Times Paywall

If that particular article is still not archived, it says "No results", together with the list of 5 options to do.

Get Past Financial Times Paywall

Click the first option, "archive this url".

It would begin loading and archiving the article.

Read Financial Times Articles For Free

After it has finished archiving it, you can see the unblocked Financial Time article right there.

3. Google cached pages

This easy and simple method to get free access to the Financial Times.

For example you want to read the article, "‘The AI bill driving a wedge through Silicon Valley".

The article URL is:

Prepend or add cache: in front of the URL.

It looks like this:


Press the "Enter" key, and it shows you the Google cached page with the full story unblocked

4. JavaScript bookmarklet

This is what you do:

Copy the code below and bookmark it to your browser.

For convenience, save it at the bookmark bar.


When you are the paywalled Financial Times article, click the JavaScript bookmarklet.


This article, "Peru’s former president Alberto Fujimori dies aged 86" is blocked.

Bypass Financial Times Paywall With JavaScript Bookmarklet

Click the JavaScript bookmark let.

Access Financial Times Without Account

Automatically it redirects to a Google search of that article. 

Read Financial Times without Subscription

Click the article in the search result, and you will see the full unblocked article.

Remove Financial Times Paywall

NOTE: After reading a few articles, and if it stops working, close all the tabs and clear Financial times cookies.

So these are the ways to bypass Financial paywall, so you can view unlimited articles without having to subscribe.