July 17, 2024

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How to install Bypass Paywalls extension for Firefox


This is an-easy-to-follow tutorial how to install Bypass Paywalls extension for Firefox.

I have already published how to install Bypass Paywalls for Chrome.

  • NOTE: Don't get mixed up: This is Bypass Paywalls and NOT Bypass Paywalls Clean.

Again I found this tip from GitHub, and I tried it out and it works.

By the way, Firefox has removed this bypassing paywalls extension from its Mozilla's add-on store (AMO).

There is a fake Bypass Paywalls for Firefox by David Lee, which does not work.

I wrote this step-by-step instructions for those who might have problem installing this Firefox browser extension.

With this bypass paywalls extension on your Firefox, you can read all the articles for free from many publication websites.

How to install Bypass Paywalls extension for Firefox

This is how you download and install this browser extension to your Mozilla Firefox.

First open your Firefox browser.

Go to this GitHub page. (From Wayback Machine)

Scroll down a little, under Mozilla Firefox (Custom sites not supported).

Click the link: Download and install the latest version.

Wait for it to redirect, then a box pops up for you to save the XPI file.

Bypass Firewalls Firefox Extension

Now you should see Bypass Paywalls Firefox XPI file.

Bypass Paywalls Firefox XPI File

Double click on it, a menu box pops up at the toolbar.

Bypass Paywalls Firefox Plugin

Click the "Add" button.

Instantly, it is installed to your browser, and you can see its newspaper icon at the toolbar.

Bypass Paywalls Extension Firefox Toolbar

You have successfully installed the Bypass Paywalls extension for Firefox.

You can circumvent paid subscriptions on popular websites.

Meaning,  you can read the content for free.

Now go to the The Wired homepage to test it out.

Instantly there is a blue color box with the word "ON" appears on top of the newspaper icon at the toolbar.

Firefox Bypass Paywalls Extension Read Articles Free

It means you can read all the The wired articles free, without being blocked by its paywall anymore.

This is how to install Bypass Paywalls extension for Firefox.

For Chrome browser, refer to this: "Install Bypass Paywalls extension for Chrome tutorial".