November 25, 2010

Blog Deleted For No Unique Content To Affiliate Sites

Here is another reason why blogs got deleted by Blogger.

I am sure you have read about making money online tips talking about affiliate programs. For those who do not know what is an affiliate program or affiliate marketing.. Basically affiliate marketing is one great of making money online, where you are rewarded for promoting other people's product, service or site.

Many bloggers thought they can just install the given affiliate links on their free blog to make easy money. Well, making money with affiliate program is not that easy as claimed. You don't just put up the affiliate link and your readers or viewers will click on it and do the necessary action for you to earn that affiliate commission.

Anyway, what I am going to talk about here is not about making money with affiliate. I am concerned about those innocent bloggers may get their blogs deleted by Blogger for violating Blogger Terms of Service (TOS). 

I know many of think that you just copy or scrap content from the affiliate program and paste it on your blog. You don't  take the trouble to write out an unique content to promote your affiliate program. Remember Blogger can have your blog deleted for what they say: "content purely to affiliate sites without unique content". 

Unique simply means your own original writing. Or as someone says that an unique content means you can  use the key ideas from some other sites, but the words of your site should be original and your own. In other words, do not copy word for word or in verbatim.
I am not saying you can not make money with your free blog. But please abide by Blogger TOS and don't get your blog deleted by Blogger.