February 26, 2012

Your Blog Post Titles Not Ranking For Targeted Keywords?

One good possible reason why many of your blog posts are do not rank high in Google search is all because of your title tags.

At this point of writing, the title tag is still one of the important on-page SEO element. 

It is still one of the most important factors in achieving high search engine rankings for your targeted keywords. 

Title tag tells the search engines what your page is about.

Make Your Post Title SEO Friendly

Here are few important point to keep in mind when writing your post title. Or go back to change your old published post titles. 

1. Make it short and precise

2. It should accurately reflects its page content. Relevancy is the word.

3. The length of title tags should be a maximum of 70 characters long, including spaces.

4. Your keywords should be placed first in your title tag.

5. Avoid commas, hyphens, underscores, dashes or any other punctuation. Instead use pipes | to separate important keyword phrases. (e.g

6. If possible avoid using words like: if, and, so, then, the, an, a am, can, is, but, while, for, which, she, thus, etc. So be creative when writing your post titles.

7. Never over-stuff your title tags with keywords.

8. Make sure to use important keywords in the post content.

9. Don't repeat title tags.

10. Besides putting keywords into your title tags, you need to make it compelling as well, to get more clicks from searchers. 

11. In other words, the title should sounds something worth clicking on. Or what some says write for human, but format for search engines.